DynRPG v0.32 Unofficial
Plugin SDK
RPG::CharacterGraphics Class Reference

Public Member Functions

void clearAll ()
void markAllUnused ()
void cleanUp ()
int addFile (const std::string &filename)
int findIndex (const std::string &filename)
int require (const std::string &filename)
void draw (Canvas *canvas, int x, int y, int fileIndex, int spriteIndex, Direction direction, AnimationFrameCharset step, TerrainSpriteDisplay spriteDisplay)
 Draws a character graphic from the cache. The coordinates specify the bottom center of the sprite! Also, in most cases you need to set the transparency value before drawing, because otherwise it will be whatever the last drawn graphic happened to use! int index = RPG::map->properties->charsetGraphics->require("monster1"); RPG::map->properties->charsetGraphics->transparency = 0; RPG::map->properties->charsetGraphics->draw(RPG::screen->canvas, 100, 100, index, 3, RPG::DIR_DOWN, RPG::ANI_FRAME_MIDDLE_A, RPG::TSD_DISP_NORMAL);.

Public Attributes

DListPtr< Image * > * images
DList< bool > * inUse
bool useMaskColor
int transparency
bool monochrome

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