DynRPG v0.32 Unofficial
Plugin SDK
RPG::Terrain Class Reference

Used for the data of terrains which can be accessed or changed in-game. More...

#include <Terrain.h>

Public Attributes

int id
 ID of the terrain.
DStringPtr name
 The name of the terrain in the database.
int damage
 The amount of damage the terrain does.
int encounterMultiplier
 Percentage to multiply the encounter rate by on the type of terrain.
DStringPtr backdropFilename
 The name of the terrain's backdrop.
bool boatCanPass
 Boat/Skiff can pass.
bool shipCanPass
 Ship can pass.
bool airshipCanPass
 Airship can pass.
bool airshipCanLand
 Airship can land.
TerrainSpriteDisplay_T spriteDisplay
 The sprite's opacity settings.
 Plays a sound effect while walking on this type of terrain.
bool playSoundOnlyIfDamaged
 Plays the defined sound effect only if damaged.
bool bgIsFrame
 Does the background use frames?
TerrainBattleType battleTypes
 The special battle types allowed on this terrain.
int initiativePercent
 "Initiative" battle type percentage
int backAtkPercent
 "Back Attack" battle type percentage
int surroundAtkPercent
 "Surround Attack" battle type percentage
int pincersAtkPercent
 "Pincers Attack" battle type percentage
TerrainGridDepth gridDepth
 The terrain's grid depth of field.
int gridTopY
 Y-position of the top of the grid.
int gridElongation
 The top/bottom stretch value of the grid.
int gridInclination
 The value of the grid's inward stretch towards the top.
DStringPtr frameBgFilename
 The name of the terrain's background frame.
bool frameBgHorScroll
 Does the frame bg horizontally scroll?
bool frameBgVerScroll
 Does the frame bg vertically scroll?
int frameBgHorScrollSpeed
 Frame bg's horizontal scroll speed.
int frameBgVerScrollSpeed
 Frame bg's vertical scroll speed.
bool frameFgFlag
 Does the frame have a foreground?
DStringPtr frameFgFilename
 The name of the terrain's foreground frame.
bool frameFgHorScroll
 Does the frame fg horizontally scroll?
bool frameFgVerScroll
 Does the frame fg vertically scroll?
int frameFgHorScrollSpeed
 Frame fg's horizontal scroll speed.
int frameFgVerScrollSpeed
 Frame fg's vertical scroll speed.

Detailed Description

Used for the data of terrains which can be accessed or changed in-game.

See also

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: