DynRPG v0.32 Unofficial
Plugin SDK
RPG::MapProperties Class Reference

The current map, it's properties, dungeon generation settings, events, and chipset properties. More...

#include <MapProperties.h>

Public Attributes

int id
 The ID of the current map.
int chipsetId
int width
 The width of the map.
int height
 The height of the map.
MapWrapping_T wrapping
 The wrapping of the map, set via dropdown.
bool hasPanorama
 Does the map use a panorama?
DStringPtr panoramaFilename
 The filename of the panorama's image.
bool horScroll
 Is horizontal scrolling enabled?
bool verScroll
 Is vertical scrolling enabled?
bool horAutoscroll
 Is horizontal auto-scrolling enabled?
int horScrollSpeed
 If horizontal scrolling enabled, this is the defined speed.
bool verAutoscroll
 Is vertical auto-scrolling enabled?
int verScrollSpeed
 If vertical scrolling enabled, this is the defined speed.
 Lmu file pointer to the current map.
 The Tileset, along with the cached graphics?
 The Character graphics cache.
bool useDungeonGenerator
 true if the current map uses the dungeon generator
DungeonGenType dGenType
 Dungeon generation guidelines (see RPG::DungeonGenType)
DungeonGenPassWidth dGenPassageGranularity
 The passage granularity (1x1 or 2x2)
int dGenRoomWidth
 Room width if dGenType is set to DGT_LINKED_ROOMS.
int dGenRoomHeight
 Room height if dGenType is set to DGT_LINKED_ROOMS.
bool dGenSurroundWithWalls
 Surround map with wall tiles?
bool dGenUseUpperWall
 Use upper wall in the dungeon generation?
bool dGenUseFloorB
 Use Floor B in the dungeon generation?
bool dGenUseFloorC
 Use Floor C in the dungeon generation?
bool dGenUseObstacleB
 Use Obstacle B in the dungeon generation?
bool dGenUseObstacleC
 Use Obstacle C in the dungeon generation?
short dGenCeilingTile
 The tile ID of the Ceiling.
short dGenLowerWallTile
 The tile ID of the Lower Wall.
short dGenUpperWallTile
 The tile ID of the Upper Wall.
short dGenFloorATile
 The tile ID of Floor A.
short dGenFloorBTile
 The tile ID of Floor B.
short dGenFloorCTile
 The tile ID of Floor C.
short dGenObstacleATiles [4]
 The tile IDs of Obstacle A (Block of 4 upper-layer tiles) (value is 10000 + the tile's ID)
short dGenObstacleBTiles [4]
 The tile IDs of Obstacle B (Block of 4 upper-layer tiles) (value is 10000 + the tile's ID)
short dGenObstacleCTiles [4]
 The tile IDs of Obstacle C (Block of 4 upper-layer tiles) (value is 10000 + the tile's ID)

Detailed Description

The current map, it's properties, dungeon generation settings, events, and chipset properties.

See also

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: