DynRPG v0.32 Unofficial
Plugin SDK
RPG::MapTreeProperties Class Reference

The properties of a map (including some map tree data). More...

#include <MapTreeProperties.h>

Public Attributes

int id
 ID of the map in the map tree. This INCLUDES areas. The id = 0 if it's the top level (Name of your game)
DStringPtr name
 The name of the map in the map tree.
int parentMapId
 ID of the parent map in the map tree.
int treeDepth
 The number value representing how deep the map is in the tree. A map within a map within a map within the main folder would be considered "2".
MapTreeType_T treeEntryType
 The type of entry in the map tree.
bool isNotArea
 true if the map is not an area
MapMusicType_T bgmType
 The type of music defined on the map.
 The music pointer for the BGM file (See RPG::Music)
MapBgType_T battleBgType
 The type of battle background defined on the map.
DStringPtr battleBgFilename
 The filename of the battle background.
MapAllowType_T teleportType
 Is teleporting using a skill allowed?
MapAllowType_T escapeType
 Is escaping using a skill allowed?
MapAllowType_T saveType
 Is saving allowed?
CatalogPtr< MapEncounter * > encounterList
 The list of enemy encounters on the map.
int encounterRate
 The encounter rate on the map.
int areaStartX
 If the map is an area, the X value of the top-left.
int areaStartY
 If the map is an area, the Y value of the top-left.
int areaEndX
 If the map is an area, the X value of the bottom-right PLUS 1. Internally, 2k3 includes the top-left of a tile through the bottom-right of a tile for the area's rectangle, while the editor just considers the top-left.
int areaEndY
 If the map is an area, the Y value of the bottom-right PLUS 1. Internally, 2k3 includes the top-left of a tile through the bottom-right of a tile for the area's rectangle, while the editor just considers the top-left.

Detailed Description

The properties of a map (including some map tree data).

See also

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