DynRPG v0.32 Unofficial
Plugin SDK
RPG::BattleData Class Reference

Used for the data and settings for the current battle. (OMG YES) More...

#include <BattleData.h>

Public Attributes

int monsterGroupId
 ID of the monster group.
DStringPtr backdropFilename
 The filename of the backdrop.
bool escapeAllowed
 Is escaping allowed?
bool defeatAllowed
 Is defeat allowed? (This would cause a game over)
bool firstStrike
 The RPG::Image object of the backdrop.
BattleNavigationLevel_T navLevel
 Which window or action has the focus?
bool isInitialized
 Has the battle been initialized?
 The RPG::Window object of the party.
 The RPG::Window object for fight/escape/autobattle.
 The RPG::Window object for commands.
 The RPG::Window object for skills.
 The RPG::Window object for items.
 The RPG::Window object for targetting party members.
 The RPG::Window object for targetting enemies.
 The RPG::Window object for the action window!
int actionMessageLineAmount
int currentHeroId
 Party slot.
 The RPG::Battler data for the currently commanded hero.
int fleeChance
 Percentage for escape (Formula: 50 + (100 - 100 * Avg Enemy AGI / Avg Hero AGI))
DListPtr< char > battleProgress
bool canvasRedrawn
 Was the canvas redrawn?
int readyPartySlot [4]
 If a hero is ready to act, their party index will be added to this array.
bool isSys2CursorShown
 Is the system2 cursor currently on the screen?
BattlePhase battlePhase
 The phase of the battle (you can use this for special conditions)
int battlEndTimer
 Timer between the frame the last monster is defeated, and the end of battle message windows.
bool isDefeat
 Was the party defeated? (you can use this for special actions upon losing the battle)
bool isVictory
 Was the party victorious (you can use this for special actions upon winning the battle)
int sys2CursorX
 The x-position of the System2 cursor.
int sys2CursorY
 The y-position of the System2 cursor.
BattlePartyFormation partyFormation
 The party's formation.
BattleEncounterCondition encounterCondition
 The condition of the battle encounter.
 The background frame panorama object (defined by the terrain)
 The foreground frame panorama object (defined by the terrain)
int terrainId
 The ID of the terrain.
 If the current action is being reflected, the target of the reflecting spell.
char reflectTargetRange
bool isBattleAnimPlaying
bool autoBattle
 is autoBattle enabled?
BattleType battleType
 Is this a random encounter or did it start via event?
char currentTargetRange
int currentActingBattlerId
 Currently acting battler.
int currentActingHeroDbId
 Database ID of the currently acting hero, -1 = enemy.
bool continueBattle
bool eventReady
 Is an event command ready to be executed?
bool delay
 Delay the battle (might be able to use this for long actions & animations)

Detailed Description

Member Data Documentation

◆ battlEndTimer

int RPG::BattleData::battlEndTimer

Timer between the frame the last monster is defeated, and the end of battle message windows.

Starts at 60 the moment the last enemy is defeated and counts back to 0 each frame (60 = 1 second)

◆ readyPartySlot

int RPG::BattleData::readyPartySlot[4]

If a hero is ready to act, their party index will be added to this array.

This array lists the heroes in the order that they become ready, so if hero 2 is the first to act, and hero 3 is next to act, readyPartySlot[0] = 1 (hero 2), readyPartySlot[1] = 2 (hero 3), readyPartySlot[2] = -1 (empty) and readyPartySlot[3] = -1 (empty)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: