DynRPG v0.32 Unofficial
Plugin SDK
RPG::Vehicle Class Reference

Used for the vehicles as subtype of characters. More...

#include <Vehicle.h>

Inheritance diagram for RPG::Vehicle:

Public Attributes

HeroVehicle type
 The id of the vehicle.
int takeOffTimer
 Timer for when taking off. 256-0 when rising into the air (if RPG::HeroVehicle is RPG::HV_AIRSHIP)
int landingTimer
 Timer for landing. 256-0 when rising into the air (if RPG::HeroVehicle is RPG::HV_AIRSHIP)
- Public Attributes inherited from RPG::Character
int id
 ID of the event (zero if not an ordinary event)
bool enabled
 Is the event visible and enabled?
int mapId
 Map ID (only relevant for vehicles)
int x
 X coordinate (tiles)
int y
 Y coordinate (tiles)
Direction_T direction
 Direction for moving (see RPG::Direction)
Facing_T facing
 Direction for facing (see RPG::Facing)
int step
 Current step value (see details)
int transparency
 Transparency value, between 0 (completely visible) to 8 (completely invisible)
int movementFramesLeft
 Frames left until movement is completed (see details)
int frequency
 Current movement frequency (1 to 8)
int originalFrequency
 Original movement frequency (use for "Move event" commands with a frequency different from the current one)
Layer_T layer
 Layer (below/same level as/above hero, see RPG::Layer)
bool forbidEventOverlap
 true if the event cannot move onto a tile occupied by another event
AnimationType_T animationType
 Animation type of the event (see details and RPG::AnimationType)
bool fixedDirection
 Is the facing direction (facing) fixed?
int speed
 Current speed of the character (1 to 6, see also customExactSpeed)
 Current move route (can also be set by "Move Event" commands)
bool moving
 Is the character currently moving?
char offsetX
 Horizontal offset for drawing the event graphic (see details)
char offsetY
 Vertical offset for drawing the event graphic (see offsetX)
char customExactSpeed
 Custom exact speed (see details)
int moveRoutePosition
 Position in move route.
bool moveRouteDone
 Has the move route finished?
bool isHidden
 Only works on hero. Determine if hidden.
bool slipThrough
bool stopAnimation
bool phasing
 Is the "phasing mode" on?
int stepFrameCounter
 Internally used, for stepping.
int stepTimer
 Internally used, for stepping (-1 if a fixed step is used, see setFixedStep)
int frequencyTimer
 Internally used, for movement frequency.
bool eventJumping
 Is the event jumping?
int beforeJumpX
 Map's X value Before jumping.
int beforeJumpY
 Map's Y value Before jumping.
bool isFlying
 Flying flag for airship.
DStringPtr charsetFilename
 Filename of the current charset.
int charsetId
 ID of the current charset.
bool eventUpdatedThisFrame
 Was the character's event updated this frame?
int flashR
 The red value for sprite flashing.
int flashG
 The green value for sprite flashing.
int flashB
 The blue value for sprite flashing.
int flashIntensity
 This is not the same as strength/power.
int flashTimer
 The flash timer. Starts at time*6 & decreases each frame.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from RPG::Character
int getScreenX ()
 Returns the current X screen coordinate.
int getScreenY ()
 Returns the current Y screen coordinate.
void setFixedStep (int newStep)
 Sets a fixed step.
void setNormalStep ()
 Removes a fixed step position and goes back to normal.
void setAnimationType (RPG::AnimationType type)
 Sets the animation type.
bool isMovePossible (int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY)
 Checks whether a certain move is possible.
std::string getName ()
 Returns the name of the character.
void move (const char *data, int length, bool repeatPattern=false, bool ignoreImpossible=true, int frequency=8)
 Moves a character.
void stop ()
 Stops the current movement.
void doStep (RPG::Direction direction)
 Does one step (moves the character one tile into a certain direction)

Detailed Description

Used for the vehicles as subtype of characters.

See also

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